Power surges happen all of the time; most are of no concern to anyone. However, they can potentially cause significant damage to a home or even plugged-in devices. That is why finding the best home surge protection electrician in Delray Beach is essential.

Swink Electric is the best home surge protection electrician in Delray Beach to ensure power surges don’t become costly. Most buildings in Delray Beach are connected to a power grid. That power grid delivers electricity to each connected building.

Unfortunately, that means we aren’t always in control of monitoring power surges. Instead, power surges happen, and we just have to hope that they don’t cause any major damage. That lack of control is not something anyone enjoys, so we search out ways to regain control.

The best way to have any sort of control over power surges is with home surge protection. Of course, adding home surge protection sounds like a luxury until you realize what power surges are and what they can do.

What is a Home Surge?

The best home surge protection electrician in Delray Beach can help you protect your home and devices from a power surge. Of course, knowing what a surge is and why they happen helps us understand why we bother.

A home surge or power surge is when there is a spike in voltage hits your home. Homes have electrical boxes which help disperse electricity to outlets and lights. A spike is when more than 120 volts hits an outlet or light fixture.

This happens 100 or more times a month on average. The question is, what causes a surge with that level of frequency?

What Causes Power Surges?

Power surges can happen for many different reasons. The best home surge protection electrician in Delray Beach can help protect against them. Power surges are unique in that they are both in our control and out of our control.

For example, plugging too many things into a single outlet can cause a power surge. However, lightning can also cause one. Most power surges happen after a blackout, no matter how small.

The sudden influx of electricity is a surge. We can’t control lightning or other weather events, and not all of us are working at power plants.

Dangers of Power Surges

We know what a power surge is, and we even know the basics of what causes them. However, we still need to know why we should protect against them, especially since they happen already 100 times per month or more.

Do power surges cause home fires? Yes, power surges could cause a fire. Of course, this requires older, unmonitored wiring and the right conditions. Power surges also affect any device that is plugged in when the surge occurs.

The little power surges don’t cause much damage to electronics, but they do help wear them down. It is the big ones that can cause electronics to stop working by frying their components.

Best Home Surge Protection Electrician in Delray Beach

Swink Electric is the best electrician in Delray Beach. We can help ensure your home is protected against surges. The last thing we want to do is replace all of our electronics at once because of a power surge.

Luckily, there are devices that can help protect our homes against surges. These devices are designed to redirect any excess power to a ground wire, ultimately killing it off. These devices are best installed by a professional, like the ones you will find here at Swink Electric.

Contact us today to protect your home and your electronics.

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